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Planning and managing your savings is a great way to get started on achieving your life’s goals. With Ultimate Growth, allows you set aside money, guarantee cash payments, and provides you the opportunity to receive dividends and have security in your life.

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Benefit Details & Coverage of Ultimate Growth 20/10 (Participating)

Premium Payment Period 10 years; Coverage Period 20 years.​

Maturity Benefit 225% of sum assured with the opportunity to receive additional dividends at maturity depends on investment result of participating fund.

2% of sum assured cash payout every year from the end of the 4th policy year onward, including minimum benefits throughout the contract up to 257%.

life coverage up to 200% of sum assured.

Premiums are eligible for tax deduction up to 100,000 baht per year.

Benefit Details & Coverage of Ultimate Growth 25/15 (Participating)

Premium Payment Period 15 years; Coverage Period 25 years.​

Maturity Benefit 225% of sum assured with the opportunity to receive additional dividends at maturity depends on investment result of participating fund.

2% of sum assured cash payout every year from the end of the 4th policy year onward, including minimum benefits throughout the contract up to 267%.

life coverage up to 200% of sum assured.

Premiums are eligible for tax deduction up to 100,000 baht per year.

Benefit Details & Coverage of Ultimate Growth 25/25 (Participating)

Premium Payment Period 25 years; Coverage Period 25 years.

Maturity Benefit 225% of sum assured with the opportunity to receive additional dividends at maturity depends on investment result of participating fund.

1% of sum assured cash payout every year from the end of the 4th policy year onward, including minimum benefits throughout the contract up to 246%.

life coverage up to 200% of sum assured.

Premiums are eligible for tax deduction up to 100,000 baht per year.

Terms and conditions

Issue Age

Ultimate Growth 20/10 (Participating) : 1 month – 70 years old

Ultimate Growth 25/15 (Participating) : 1 month – 65 years old

Ultimate Growth 25/25 (Participating) : 1 month – 65 years old

Coverage Period

20 years or 25 years

Premium Payment Period

10 years, 15 years or 25 years

Mode of payment

Annual, Semi-Annual and Monthly

Minimum Sum Assured

THB 100,000

Rider Attachment

Allowed, according to conditions of the company

Cases which the Company does not cover

1. In the event of non-disclosure or misstatement, the Company reserves the right to void the insurance contract within 2 years from the policy effective date or the reinstatement date or the last reinforced of policy date or the date that the Company approves the increased sum assured only in part of the increased sum assured.

2. In the event of the insured committing suicide within 1 year since policy effective date or the reinstatement date or the last reinforced of policy date or the date that the Company approves the increased sum assured of this policy, only in part of the increased sum assured.

3. In the event that the insured is intentionally killed by the beneficiary.

Tax Deductible benefit

Premiums are eligible for tax deduction up to 100,000 baht per year

(according to the terms of the Revenue Department).


Buyers should understand the details of coverage and conditions before deciding to purchase insurance.