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Disclosing the results of transactions that may have conflicts of interest

Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance

Disclosure of transaction results and any actions that may have conflicts of interest

The Company offers mutual funds for sale through Krungthai Asset Management Public Company Limited (“Krungthai Asset Management Company Limited”), a subsidiary of Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited. As a shareholder, the Company may hold investment-linked life insurance policies (Unit-Linked) and invest in mutual funds managed by Krungthai Asset Management Company Limited. Similarly, the Company may invest in the same mutual funds available to customers. Presently, Krung Thai Bank PCL is a major shareholder of the company.

The Company may receive a share of management fees or a sales fee from the management company based on the agreement between the companies. These fees received by the company do not affect various expenses and fees under the investment-linked life insurance policy (Unit-Linked) for which the Company has obtained approval from the OIC Office.