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22 October 2023

"Yadom": An Essential Addition to Your Office Bag, But Beware of Over-Inhalation's Respiratory Risks

In the sweltering and humid climate of Thailand, the risk of heat-related ailments is high, prompting many of us to keep a "Yadom" handy in our bags. Yadom serves as a quick fix for symptoms such as dizziness and can provide a refreshing sensation. Some even turn to it as a remedy to reduce smoking. However, it's important to be cautious about excessive use of yadom. Let's delve deeper into what yadom is, its components, advantages, and potential disadvantages.


Understanding Yadom

Yadom is a common household remedy used externally by inhalation. It comprises aromatic substances like menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, and other essential oils derived from herbs. Its primary function is to alleviate unwelcome sensations like head-spinning and lightheadedness, particularly in enclosed spaces like elevators or crowded places. Yadom is also applied topically to soothe itchiness and redness resulting from insect bites.


Components of Yadom

Modern yadom formulations are enriched with synthetic compounds and essential oils for a wider range of benefits. These include eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil, orange oil, lemongrass oil, and more. However, the fundamental elements of yadom typically revolve around three core ingredients:

·       Camphor: Extracted through a boiling process with other substances, camphor emits a cooling aroma. It's widely used in cosmetics, ointments, perfumes, and soaps. Inhaling camphor can alleviate dizziness, while its topical application can provide relief from irritation. Prolonged inhalation, however, might lead to respiratory irritation due to its potency.

·       Menthol: Derived from mint leaves or peppermint oil, menthol imparts a refreshing and cool scent. It's commonly found in balms, lotions, and cosmetics due to its calming properties. Inhaling menthol helps counteract dizziness, and applying it to the skin induces a cooling effect. Nevertheless, excessive inhalation can irritate the respiratory tract.

·       Borneol: Extracted from the Dryobalanops aromatica tree, borneol is frequently synthesized. It possesses mild analgesic and cooling properties. Borneol aids in reducing inflammation and pain, particularly from insect bites. Additionally, its aromatic qualities make it a sought-after ingredient.


Advantages of Yadom

·       Mitigates symptoms of dizziness, lightheadedness, colds, and nasal congestion.

·       Induces relaxation and reduces stress.

·       Liquid yadom, when applied to a cloth, serves as a remedy for minor headaches.

·       Alleviates minor injuries and swelling caused by insect bites.

·       Offers a refreshing and revitalizing sensation.


When to Exercise Caution with Yadom and Precautions

o   Frequent usage of yadom (over 10 times daily), continuous inhalation, or improper application may lead to undesirable effects.

o   Placing yadom in inadequately ventilated spaces could cause respiratory irritation or exacerbate existing conditions.

o   Individuals with nasal or respiratory disorders such as asthma, sinusitis, or infections should refrain from using yadom as it might worsen inflammation or trigger more severe health issues.

o   Children under 6 years old should avoid yadom due to its potency, which could irritate their delicate respiratory systems.

Although it's a portable item, it's important to consider appropriate usage to prevent any adverse health effects for yourself and your loved ones. For Krungthai-AXA life insurance customers interested in health care, you can read more health-related articles at



·       Thailand Foundation

·       Petcharavej Hospital


·       Pobpad

