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04 October 2022

Happy then sad? Is it bipolar disorder? Better check.

Sadness and happiness are emotions that naturally come and go. But when one’s mood changes rapidly and intensely affecting how one lives, it might be a sign of bipolar disorder.

What is bipolar disorder and what triggers it?

Bipolar disorder is characterized as a pronounced mood disorder caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Someone suffering from bipolar disorder will alternate between being in a good mood and a bit manic and being depressed. The mood swings are seemingly unrelated to their situation. Factors giving rise to bipolar disorder can be classified into three types.

1.        Biological – This occurs when three neurotransmitters, namely, noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine, are out of balance. There may also be other abnormalities such as in the body’s hormonal system, sleep disturbances, or abnormal functioning of parts of the brain regulating emotion, among others.

2.        Hereditary – Though there is no definitive research to support this, bipolar patients are often found to have relatives or other family members with a history of mood disorders, especially those closely related by blood.

3.        Other triggering factors – Exposure to external stimuli that affect the mind, such as sudden and severe disappointment or physical illness, can also lead to bipolar disorder.


Mood swings and other symptoms of bipolar disorder

There are essentially two groups of bipolar disorder symptoms.

1.        Major Depressive Episode is when a person experiences at least one episode of depression, boredom or unhappiness as follows:

-           Feeling sad, empty and unhappy in childhood expressed as crying or irritability. Symptoms may manifest virtually every day.

-           Decreased or lack of interest in, or attention to, activities.

-           Unusual weight loss or gain.

-           Insomnia or sleeping more than usual.

-           Restless, slow, lethargic, weak powerless.

-           Feeling worthless or irrational guilt.

-           Decreased concentration and ability to think and make decisions.

-           Morbidly thinking about death.

2.        Manic/Mania Episode is feeling cheerful and expressing it without self-control or feeling unusually irritable. At least three of the following symptoms will persist for at least 1 week:

-           Having over confidence, thinking of oneself as highly capable and great.

-           Decreased need for sleep.

-           Talking more than usual or talking non-stop.

-           Having a lot of ideas and thinking a lot of things at the same time.

-           Lack of concentration, easily distracted.

-           Overly active with lots of goals.

-           Preoccupied with activities that are enjoyable but are prone to creating problems such as reckless spending and investing in business without forethought.

The manic phase usually arises rapidly and lasts a few weeks. Often in the early stages, the bipolar disorder sufferer is unaware of their condition. They just perceive themselves as being in a good mood or being diligent, emotions which they also ascribe to those around them. Unlike depressive symptoms, the bipolar sufferer is aware that they have changed. Those around them notice it, too. The symptoms gradually worsen and become increasingly aggressive, requiring medical attention. In the beginning, symptoms occur when the sufferer feels stressed for any reason. Over time, symptoms can occur spontaneously even without any particular trigger.

Possible complications

Bipolar disorder can increase the patient’s risk of other health problems such as eating disorders, other mental illnesses, migraine, diabetes, ADHD, and obesity. Mood swings often affect performance at school or work, decision-making and relationships. If they use drugs, it can lead to committing a crime and self-harm.

Bipolar disorder is just another illness that doctors can treat. When you begin to notice abnormal mood swings in yourself or someone close to you, it’s advisable in order to prevent further problems to seek professional advice and assistance as soon as possible.

Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance customers can check their mental health online free for free. For more details, please visit:


·       Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University

·       Ramkhamhaeng Hospital

·       Bangkok Hospital

·       Bumrungrad Hospital

·       Paolo Hospital

·       Pobpad website
