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01 February 2023

Heart palpitations? Panic easily? … Just naturally anxious or panic disorder?

When we are faced with stressful situations in daily life or at work, our body naturally experiences anxiety. The reaction may be to panic which manifests as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling hands and feet, mostly temporarily. However, if you have these symptoms often and the cause isn’t obvious, you may be experiencing panic disorder.

What are the symptoms of panic disorder?

Let’s investigate.

Anxiety symptoms may appear similar to those of panic disorder. However, anxiety is a temporary symptom that occurs when facing some situation that causes fear or anxiety of gives one a fright. Panic disorder is more severe. Here are the symptoms:

-          Accelerated heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, gasping for air and feeling suffocated

-          Feeling intensely frightened and helpless to the point that your body freezes

-          Feeling dizzy and/or nauseous

-          Sweating and trembling hands and feet

-          Suddenly feeling hot and cold by turns

-          Needle-like stinging sensation in fingers or feet

-          Anxiety, fear of death, worry about not being able to control things, fear of future disaster

-          Being frightened and trying to avoid places or situations that have frightened you in the past


What is panic disorder?

Panic disorder is caused by a sudden decrease or change in the level of hormones, causing the autonomic nervous system to malfunction or short circuit. It’s an acute condition that occurs without cause or is prompted by some shocking event. Panic disorder often manifests in late adolescence and early adulthood and is more common among women than men.

Causes of panic disorder can’t be clearly identified other than attributing it to certain physical and mental health factors.

1. Physical health factors

-          Heredity

-          Brain disorder

-          Exposure to certain chemicals such as drug users or those who drink regularly

2. Mental Health Factors – Facing serious events in life such as loss or separation from a loved one.


Treatment method

                  Panic disorder isn’t a serious disease but it should be treated properly so the patient can live happily. There are essentially two treatment methods:

1.        Psychotherapy – Patients go through a process that helps them understand their symptoms and see how to deal with them. This usually works out well. Psychotherapy includes thought and behavior therapies and patients accepting that their symptoms aren’t dangerous. The psychotherapist will start by asking how the patient feels when the panic attack occurs, so they can uncover what caused the symptoms. The therapy begins with adjusting the mind to perceive reality and see things in a positive light. Later, the patients is trained to face their fear in different situations. This process helps them understand their condition and adjust their thinking in response to the panic disorder.


2.        Drug treatment – Panic disorder symptoms are caused by abnormalities in the neurotransmitter in the brain. Drugs that treat this are classified into three groups as follows:

a)        Antidepressants – These are drugs used to treat depression and other mental health problems. They include SSRIs, SNRIs, and tricyclics.

b)       Benzodiazepines – They are sedatives that reduce anxiety symptoms. Those who use drugs or drink alcohol should not use this group of drugs.

c)        Anticonvulsants – These are used to alleviate anxiety symptoms.


Besides those mentioned above, other treatments include adjusting the way of life to be less hurried, eating enough food, getting enough rest, reducing time spent in front of the computer and mobile phone, avoiding anxiety triggers, and using breathing to control consciousness. All these help you cope with both anxiety and panic disorder.


The environment is also important. Those who are close with patients, whether in the home or at work, should understand the feelings the patients face. When a patient experiences panic disorder, they should take a deep, slow breath to control consciousness and relax. They should be counselled that what happened isn’t dangerous. Their anxiety should soon melt away.

Being optimistic is another part of the healing process. Those who are close with the patient should be careful with their words. They should find activities that help the patient relax such as exercise, watching series, listening to music, planting trees, doing art, and so on.


Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance customers can check their mental health online free of charge. For more information, please visit



·       Ramkhamhaeng Hospital

·       Paolo Hospital

·       Pobpad website
